Sunday, October 12, 2008


I wrote this awhile back, but I thought I'd repost it here for everyone to see!! Enjoy

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem (In the Name of Allah , the Compassionate, the Merciful)

First of all I want to start off by thanking Allah (God in Arabic) for guiding me to the right way. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah).I have recently discovered the right way of life and that is through Islam. Before Islam I was Christian. I have always believed in one God and I always thought that maybe something was a little off about Christianity. I have friends that are Muslims and I would always be very interested about what they believe in. We would always get to talking about our religions and I became very interested in the whole Islam religion. Most people think Islam is a terrorist religion anybody who really knows the religion and who are truly Muslims know that being a terrorist is not at all being a Muslim. Islam does not promote violence at all, it's more of a religion of peace, and that is what I have found through Islam internal peace. I feel great! Like I said before I have always believed in one God, I would go to church and really listen, yeah really I would. Now when you walk into a church probably the first thing you'll pick out is a huge sculpture of Jesus and also Mary. Now in the Islam religion we believe that we shouldn't idolize. That means that we believe that we shouldn't have things like that (sculptures of Jesus, God, ext.). I mean who really knows what they look like? No where in the Bible, Torah, or Quran does it tell us a description of any of them, so why should we make these things up. Also in the Bible it says not to worship idols, by making statues of Jesus and Mary isn't that some form of idols? Maybe some people don't worship them, but over time if you have a statue of something people probably will start to worship it in some kind of way. Also Muslims don't believe that Jesus was the son of God. We believe that God does not need a son; he is too great for that. There are a lot of similarities in the Bible and Quran. I have read parts of the Bible and I would usually find myself asking questions and not getting many answers. Now with the Quran it's different, you get answers. I have found that reading the Quran is much easier for me to read and understand. I feel so lucky to have found the true religion. Since I have started learning more about Islam I feel much better I feel that I have finally found myself. Allah has blessed me in so many ways and I thank him so much. Since reading the Quran and getting more information I feel that Allah has brought many people into my life to help and show me new things about Islam. I feel it even more day by day I feel that I' am learning new things. I hope to learn many new things along the way. And maybe in the future I can speak to people about Islam and my journey to Islam.

Since your down here reading this part that should mean that you have read this. I hope this has given some of you more insight on Islam. I did not write this to offend anybody so please don't take it that way. I respect everybodys religion. Hopefully I have opened some doors by sending this. Feel free to ask me about something or comment about anything. I'm learning new things everyday.


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